Text.A.Bo. - Texts Around Soncinian Books (XVIth Century)

Text.A.Bo. - Texts Around Soncinian Books (XVIth Century), is a digital archive for textual analysis of dedicatory letters, epigrams and reader’s notices from the renowned typographer Girolamo Soncino’s editions made in Italy at the beginning of the Renaissance. The entries are taken from the Latin and vernacular peritext

This collection represent the key to an extended array of contextual informations, which sheds light on the link among Girolamo, humanists and central Italy. It provides identifying elements (attested title/attributed title, incipit and explicit, date/dating, author, addressee, location, language), content summary, lexicon, indexes of names and the transcription of texts.

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PreviewData di pubblicazioneTitoloAutore/iLivello di descrizione
Michaelis Tarchaniotae Marulli Neniae. Eiusdem epigrammata nunquam alias impressa. M. Antonij Flaminij carminum libellus. Eiusdem ecloga Thyrsis, Fano, Girolamo Soncino, 13 settembre 1515, c. 11v.png.jpg11-set-1515Flaminio Marcantonio 
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